Welcome ...

Dynamo Movers n’ Shakers, Soulful Seekers, Mad Heroes …

If a writing, a workshop, or some serendipitous whisper brought you here,

just know … I’m thrilled.


If you’re looking to align:

* Desires and passion with daily action
* Your mission with message
* And, embrace abundance in all the essential areas of your life  …

You’ve found yourself in a place that

celebrates your journey and kindreds honoured to wander  and soar with you

– in your personal and professional pursuits.


May you enter in and feel a surge of hope, joy and an inkling of, or fuel for,

the infinite possibilities.


The mission is afoot with not a moment to loose.

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Fuel for Soulful Service & Authentic Adventuring


For 20+ years, it’s been a privilege to offer clients the communications support to ignite out-of-the-box campaign creation, align mission with message through program, content, media writing, and empower teams to more succinctly align and deliver.


Click to Discover What’s Been and What Can Be for You.

A Mentor on Your Adventure 

The opportunity to unleash our potential is ever present, the secret of tapping the WoW factor in our business and personal pursuits, has everything to do with the questions, the listening and spirited action.


Need strategic support to unleash that guru within, align personal and professional goals and biz and life mission with message, workshop to fuel your team?


Have we got some gems for you. 

The WAY Blog

Choose the Way.

Surrender to the Adventure.


Life is a perpetual trek within and a call to take hold of our future – to consciously choose Our Way, begin, and then release our grip on the outcome, trusting that all is happening for us, to catapult us to our grand, adventurous life.

Our role in all of this, is to translate insight into innovative action for good.


Join me in the deep dives and divine highs of discovering the transferable lessons as they are revealed along The Way – the physical pathway of Spain’s El Camino de Santiago and the El Caminos of the Soul.

“Jennifer provided our team with “Have It All Hero Training”. I was so impressed with the effort she put forth in preparation for our session, learning about our department and customizing the material to our values and needs. She is truly an inspiring, uplifting and elegant speaker with a passion that motivates the listeners to formulate and proceed with their own goals.”

Lynn Gray, Manager Central Zone, Alberta Health Service Volunteer Resources/Pastoral Care


Communications / Marketing Specialist, Writer, Editor, Business Coach, Speaker, Facilitator

Jennifer Maki is a communications specialist, writer, editor, motivational speaker, facilitator, and executive coach. She is also President of Maolog Communications Inc., Owner of Project Yes! Life, Founder of The Mad Hero Project and author of “The Mad Hero’s Manifesto”.


Jennifer’s career in communications, marketing, public relations, risk and crisis responsiveness and inner-leadership development for over 20 years, has spanned the British West Indies, Europe, the US, and Canada.


From PR and government agencies and non-profits to innovative entrepreneurs, Jennifer has empowered leaders and teams to communicate with intention, collaborate creatively, celebrate heroism in the workplace and transform inspired visions into powerful programs to initiate change.


Her clients have been featured by the likes of The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Money Magazine, and CBC TV, the Globe and Mail, and CBC Radio to name a few.

“Jennifer built a strong foundation of trust with our team and offered expert guidance and leadership, empowering us to engage in meaningful conversations, address challenges, find solutions and work more efficiently.

Charlotte Lynn, University of Calgary – Stepping Stones to Success Staff Retreat

Book a Free Consult

We’re at the ready to support gamechangers and gamechanger-

wannabes, those looking to take business

and life to extraordinary new heights.


We’d love to leap with you.